Friday, December 19, 2008

Word of text

continuing yesterday's essay on community selling and opinion sharing, word of mouth has taken a virtual turn in the road to word of hypertexting. I would like to bring up the topic on information related to a purchase or product and how a "visual review" would serve much better in some cases than a descriptive one. I would like to take you on a tour of one of my favorite sites when it comes to this aspect of community reviews - think geek.

back to buying - while I love perusing online, one challenge I face is to visualize a product in context - how will that Christmas ornament look on my table? How does t-shirt look on someone? representation of the product in a life like setting actually helps close a decision. In this regard, Amazon has customer pictures, some online retailers include professional pictures, but I would much rather have shared customer photos as not all of us are armed with a vivid imagination.

The best community pictures I have seen are at I have seen more customer shots on this site than any other, perhaps geeks always have a camera ready, or are not shy how they appear in public :-), but I would give a service fee to more realistic pictures of how shoes look or how everyday things actually appear in a setting. Am a little challenged measurementally (not sure that's a word) but when a product on a Christmas ornament description reads 3' x 4' x 5' I just do not know how that would look on my table.



and the context shot....




Here is an example of virtual fitting before a full length screen - - a surprisingly durable and well toned T-Shirt.

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